Is it worth it...

April 03, 2013

Strays have their day TOO

If you can do something for them do it. Dont wait for every single 4th of April


  1. I'm not an animal lover, like I never had a pet or anything, but I have a very high respect for all the living beings, and the way some animals are treated just disgusts me! I always say I never have enough time to take care of a pet, it takes time (and also money) so that's the main reason I never had pets. "If you can't do it right then don't do it". I hate circus or shows that feature animal acts, and NEVER support shows that involve animals. I try to buy products that are 100% cruelty free, but sometimes is not stated and difficult to find out. I'm not a vegetarian, so may be many people are angry at me because I eat meat, and chicken... and we all know how they treat those animals too. Porqué escribo en Inglés? Bueno, de todos modos, yo no sería buena para rescatar animales de la calle, porqué no sé nada del cuidado de ellos, ni de qué vacunas necesitan, ni nada, pero sí sé a quién llamar para que intervengan, la protectora de animales y nunca doy vuelta la cara como si nada pasara. Yo sé que no es suficiente... pero bueno es lo que yo puedo hacer.

  2. I cant take care of all Stray Dogs, but when I am out of a supermarket and have something very small to give them I do it, It doesn't happen allot, but I try. I also call the shelter if I see something not right going on. Tampoco soy vegetarina pero en el intento, y los productos que uso si trato de que sean cruelty free , pero claro como dices tu no siempre esta puesto. Con lo que si puedes ayudar es con toallas viejas, sabanas, periodicos ellos en los asilos los pueden usar bien con los animalitos. Con eso colaboro yo.


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